Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Schedule of Events: 

  1. Volunteer Needed! 
  2. Group reflecting
  3. ICES/Paper Questions


  • Finish paper--turn in by midnight on Friday night
  • 15 Writer's Help exercises

Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 42 (Monday, 5 May 2014)

Schedule of Events: 

  1. APA Jigsaw
  2. Teach! 
  3. Check
  4. Change


  • Final draft (plagiarism FREE) of your IRP is due on Friday by Midnight to SafeAssign in Compass 2G.  

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 39-41 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, 28, 30 April & 2, 5 May 2014)

Schedule of Events: 

  2. Peer Review :) 


  1. Send me your draft with revisions (e.g. second draft) the night before your conference by midnight (e.g. if you are meeting with me on Wednesday, please emailme the file name of your second draft in Google Drive or send me a Word document of it as an email attachment by Tuesday night at midnight). 
  2. Look at a blank version this peer review document and ask yourself these questions (self-check).  Bring any questions you have to the conference.  
  3. Bring in any questions about citation/plagiarism. 

Conference Schedule: 

Please come 5 - 10 minutes before your scheduled time.  
Any missed times will count as two absences. 

Wednesday: UGL Group Study Room 5
3:00 - 3:15 Jason
3:15 - 3:30 Hanfeng
3:30 - 3:45 Theory
3:45 - 4:00 Zach

Friday: UGL Group Study Room 5
3:00 - 3:15 Michael
3:15 - 3:30 Annie
3:30 - 3:45 Lili
3:45 - 4:00 Li

Monday: UGL Group Study Room 5
1:00 - 1:15 Christine 
1:15 - 1:30 Isabella
1:30 - 1:45 Knight
1:45 - 2:00 Sky
2:00 - 2:15 ---
2:15 - 2:30 Ann
2:30 - 2:45 Mark
2:45 - 3:00 Young

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 38 (Friday, 25 April 2014)

Schedule of Events: 

  1. Comma Jokes (5-7 minutes)
  2. Expert Groups: (30 minutes)
    • Group 1 (Team Name: _________________ ) January, February, March
    • Group 2 (Team Name: _________________ ) April, May, June
    • Group 3 (Team Name: _________________ ) July, August, September
    • Group 4 (Team Name: _________________ ) October, November, December
  3. Comma Quiz (10 minutes)


  • First draft of entire paper due 28 April (hard deadline)
    • Soft Deadlines
      • Have the intro and body by today
      • Have the intro, body, and conclusion by Monday, 28 April 2014
  • Don't forget about Writer's Help
Resource: IRP Rubric

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 37 (Wednesday, 23 April 2014)

Schedule of Events: 

  1. Small group discussion: (10 - 15 minutes) 
    • What language do you use talking to your friends/to your University professor/to your parents/to the head of your department? 
    • Do you think that you use different words depending on who you are talking/writing to? Why? What is the reason?
    • How do you manage to choose the correct, suitable words when you communicate in formal social context? What strategies do you apply?
    • What is the difference between formal and informal language, how do you understand this difference yourself? Compare your understanding to the one of your partner.
    • Give examples of colloquial, informal words and of formal words which you would use in academic environment, for instance, defending your thesis. 
  2. Video (5 minutes) 
  3. Small group discussion: (10-15 minutes)
    • FANBOYS?  What are these?  Where are they OK and where are they NOT OK? 
    • Why should you NOT use phrases like, "I believe," "I think," and "In my opinion."  
    • Elaborate on the use of contractions in formal writing. 
  4. Self-Assess
  5. REVISE! (remaining time)


  • First draft of entire paper due 28 April (hard deadline)
    • Soft Deadlines
      • Have the intro and body by Friday
      • Have the intro, body, and conclusion by Monday, 28 April 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 36 (Monday, 21 April 2014)

Schedule of Events: 

  1. Powerpoint Walkthrough
    • Activity 1
    • Activity 2
  2. Rewrite the Thesis


  • First draft of entire paper due 28 April (hard deadline)
    • Soft Deadlines
      • Have the intro and 1st solution written by today
      • Have the intro and body by Friday
      • Have the intro, body, and conclusion by Monday, 28 April 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 35 (Friday, 18 April 2014)

Schedule of Events:

  1. Warm-Up: Ordering activity
  2. Intro Analysis
    • What are the parts of a research paper introduction
  3. Brainstorm a hook


  • First draft of entire paper due 28 April (hard deadline)
    • Soft Deadlines
      • Have the intro and 1st solution written by Monday
      • Have the intro and body by Friday
      • Have the intro, body, and conclusion by Monday, 28 April 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 34 (Wednesday, 16 April 2014)

Schedule of Events:

  1. Where are we going? (Classroom Meeting ~ 15 minutes)
    1. What's the purpose of this class and assignment?  
    2. What do you think the purpose of college is? 
    3. How will this assignment help you fulfill the goals of meeting the purpose of college? 
    4. What do you think the next steps are? 
    5. How do these next steps relate to the rest of college and real life? 
  2. Outline 
  3. PIE - Outline (10-15 minutes) 
  4. Paragraph Drafting (Remainder of class time)
    • Don't forget: 
      • To synthesize your sources
      • To not quote bomb! 
      • Appropriate in-text citation


  • By midnight, please write a 400-500 word reflective essay answering the question(s): 
    • How have you become a better researcher through the Unit 2 and Unit 3 assignments? 
    • What has surprised you most about doing research? 
    • How will you use your sources to analyze the solutions in your final paper? 
    • What do you think the biggest challenge was for you in Unit 2 and Unit 3? 
    • What do you think will be the biggest challenge in writing the final paper?
  • Have a rough version of the PIE - Outline finished by Friday. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 33 (Monday, 14 April 2014)

Schedule of Events: 


  • For Wednesday, please write a 400-500 word reflective essay answering the question(s): 
    • How have you become a better researcher through the Unit 2 and Unit 3 assignments? 
    • What has surprised you most about doing research? 
    • How will you use your sources to analyze the solutions in your final paper? 
    • What do you think the biggest challenge was for you in Unit 2 and Unit 3? 
    • What do you think will be the biggest challenge in writing the final paper?

    Friday, April 11, 2014

    Day 32 (Friday, 11 April 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Warm-up: (5 minutes)
    2. Quoting/Paraphrasing/Summarizing and their in-text citations (5-10 minutes)
    3. Annotated Bibliography Workshop (15 minutes)


    • For Wednesday, please write a 400-500 word reflective essay answering the question(s): 
      • How have you become a better researcher through the Unit 2 and Unit 3 assignments? 
      • What has surprised you most about doing research?  
      • How will you use your sources to analyze the solutions in your final paper? 
      • What do you think the biggest challenge was for you in Unit 2 and Unit 3?  
      • What do you think will be the biggest challenge in writing the final paper? 

    Wednesday, April 9, 2014

    Day 31 (Wednesday, 9 April 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Fairytale Matrix (5 minutes)
    2. Writing a paragraph (15 minutes) 
    3. Peer Review (10 minutes)
      • Straw Draw!
    4. Annotated Bibliography Workshop (20 minutes) 


    • Annotated Bibliography due Friday, 11 April 2014

    Thursday, April 3, 2014

    Day 29 (Friday, 4 April 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Review and Mini-Lecture (10 minutes)
    2. How to use the Summarizing Worksheet. (10 minutes) 
      • Things to remember: 
        • Copying and pasting from the abstract for your summary is plagiarism.  It is very easy to catch.  Please don't do it! 
    3. Conciseness (25 minutes)
      • What is conciseness? What is our class definition of conciseness? 
      • Where does conciseness fit into the writing process? 
        • How often do you do THIS step in writing?
      • Writing Concisely Activity
      • Part 2
    4. Peer Review (likely extended into optional homework)


    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    Day 28 (Wednesday, 2 April 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Summarize one of your sources (15 - 20 minutes)
    2. Did your summary answer these questions? (5 minutes)
    3. Group review (10 minutes) 
    4. Summarizing Academic Sources Lecture (10 minutes)
    5. How to summarize worksheet (15 - 20 minutes)


    Monday, March 31, 2014

    Day 27 (Monday, 31 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What was the best part of your break?
    2. Post-break Review
      1. What have we been talking about in this class?
      2. What big project are we slowly working on?
      3. What step are we on in this project and what is it's purpose? 
      4. What's the next due date? 
    3. Annotated Analysis
      • Individual Step (5-7 minutes)
      • Partner Step (5-7 minutes)
      • Whole group check (5-7 minutes)
    4. Writing an Annotated Bibliography:
      • Write an annotated bibliography for their 5 sources featuring:
        • APA reference page citation
        • Summary of the source (4-5 sentences)
        • Explanation of relevancy of the source to paper topic (3-4 sentences)
        • Explanation of reliability of the source (1-2 sentences)


    • 5 sources by Wednesday, 2 April

    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Day 26 (Friday, 21 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. What do you think you should consider when deciding what sources to use in a research paper? 
    2. Choosing Sources Chart Decision-Making Time (10 minutes)
    3. Advanced Source Search (20 minutes) 
    4. Adjusting Topics 


    • 5 sources (minimum) due by the Wednesday after Spring Break (2 April 2014) 
    • Have an awesome Spring Break! :) 

    Sunday, March 16, 2014

    Day 25 (Wednesday, 19 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Turn in Pre-Research Portfolios 
    2. Review of source reliability 
    3. Define relevant
      1. It's important to have articles that are relevant to our topic, right?
    4. Skimming and Scanning
    5. Relevancy Chart
    6. Practice Activity
      1. Chart
        1. Article 1
        2. Article 2
        3. Article 3
        4. Article 4
        5. Article 5


    • 5 sources (minimum) due by the Wednesday after Spring Break (2 April 2014) 

    Day 24 (Monday, 17 March 2014)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Do you know what an annotated bibliography is? 
    2. What do you think an annotated bibliography is? 
    3. Sample Annotated Bibliography
      1. What are the different parts of the annotated bibliography?  
      2. What do you think the purpose of an annotated bibliography is? 
    4. Template
    5. How do we decide if a source is reliable? 
      1. Checklist
      2. Youtube
      3. Prezi
    6. Practice


    • Pre-Research Portfolio due on Wednesday, 19 March 2014
    • Begin finding sources for the annotated bibliography and the individual research paper

    Friday, March 14, 2014

    Day 23 (Friday, 14 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Outlining (20 minutes) 
      1. Recording our Answers
    2. Brainstorming (15 minutes) 
    3. Peer Checking (10 minutes) 


    • Pre-Research Portfolio final will be due on Wednesday, 19 March
      • I'd recommend having the lens sheet on your pre-research portfolio done by Monday and completing most of the outline sheet done as well.  
    • Unit 3 starts on Monday

    Tuesday, March 11, 2014

    Day 22 (Wednesday, 12 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What do you know about thesis statements?  (7 minutes) 
      1. You have 5 minutes to write.  
    2. Write down a potential thesis statement for the final IRP that you are currently doing pre-research for.  (5 minutes)
      1. You have 5 minutes to write. 
    3. In groups, compare: (5-7 minutes) 
      • What was easy about writing a thesis statement for this topic/paper?
      • What was more difficult about writing a thesis statement for this topic/paper?
    4. Guiding Thesis Questions Activity (15-20 minutes)
      1. 1. 
      2. 2.
    5. Thesis Check/Mini-Lecture (15 minutes) 
      1. Samples


    • Monday, 17 March 2014 -- Pre-Research Portfolio Due
    • Friday, 21 March 2014 -- 5 Sources (minimum) Due
    About this time in the semester you should be about halfway done with your Writer's Help exercises. :) 

    Sunday, March 9, 2014

    Day 21 (Monday, 10 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Circle Activity (10-15 minutes) 
      • Today's Goals
      • Process of Writing an IRP
        1. _______________
        2. _______________
        3. _______________
        4. _______________
    2. Individual Catch-Up/Guided Research (20 minutes)  
    3. Lens Activity (10 minutes) 


    • Anything not completed on the checklist
    • Lens Activity


    • Monday, 17 March 2014 -- Pre-Research Portfolio Due
    • Friday, 21 March 2014 -- 5 Sources (minimum) Due

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014

    Day 20 (Friday, 7 March 2014)


    Today, we will be meeting at 3:00PM in UGL 291 on the upper level of the Undergraduate Library. Please bring your concept map with you to class.

    Day 19 (Wednesday, 5 March 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Scramble! 
    2. PPT Practice 
      1. Small group learning
      2. Small group teaching
    3. Lens Activity


    • RESEARCH! :)

    Friday, February 28, 2014

    Day 18 (Monday, 3 March 2014)

    Class with Samantha Xu

    Schedule of Events:

    1. What do you think the difference between pre-research and formal research is?  (5-8 minutes)
      • Elicit student responses and briefly explain the differences 
    2. Model CQ Researcher (10 minutes)
      • Students will give instructor a couple (2 - 3) example topics which the instructor will use to lead a model bit of research on the projected screen.  
    3. Model Pre-Research Chart using the findings of the CQ Researcher Modeling (5-8 minutes) 
    4. Guided Student Practice (remainder of the time)


    • Reflection due on Wednesday 
      • Instructions are on Day 17's post

    Day 17 (Friday, 28 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What do you know about the IRP?  
    2. Goal for Today: 
      1. Topic solidified
      2. 2 Organizations chosen
      3. Causes and Effects
    3. Model Topic 
    4. Guided Practice


    • Write a 250 - 500 word short reflection addressing any of these questions: 
      • What are your skills and weaknesses as a writer?  How do you think you showed your strengths in the Units 1 Argumentative Essay, and how do you think you overcame your weaknesses? 
      • What have you learned in Unit 1 and why do you think this thing/these things will be useful to you in your future as a student and academic? 
      • If you were to teach ESL Academic Writing, what would you focus on and how would you teach your students?  
      • If you have another writing/Unit 1 related topic that you would like to write on, please ask me in person or email me about it.  
    • If you have not found your topic, organization, and the cause(s) and effect(s) of the problem, please come to class on Monday with those prepared.  

    Tuesday, February 25, 2014

    Day 16 (Wednesday, 26 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What makes a good research topic? 
    2.  Choosing a Topic
      • Concept Map
        • When you are deciding on a topic, keep in mind that you must be able to 
          • Defend it
          • Combine it with an organization that is actively addressing the problem
    3. Defense
    4. Double Pair Partner Problem/Solution Activity


    By or on Friday, 28 February 2014, turn in your final draft of your Unit 1 Argumentative Essay.  This draft must be free of any plagiarism, have all sources appropriately cited, and include a references page.  If you have any questions, please contact me.  

    Sunday, February 23, 2014

    Day 15 (Monday, 24 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Units 2, 3, 4 Intro (10-15 minutes) 
    2. Introduction to Research (10 minutes)
    3. Argumentative vs. Analytical 
    4. Ordering Activity


    • Continue working on your final draft of the Unit 1 Argumentative Essay

    Unit 2 Intro

    Unit 2, 3, 4: Individual Problem/Solution Research Paper

    We are starting Unit 2 today, which together with Units 3 and 4 will build up for your final class project, the Individual Problem/Solution Research Paper.  This is a large project, but don't worry, we're taking it one step at a time.  

    Projects per Unit
    Unit 2: Pre-Research Portfolio
    Unit 3: Annotated Bibliography
    Unit 4: Individual Problem/Solution Research Paper

    IRP Task/Prompt
    Choose an organization that is actively working towards addressing a problem in society (e.g. community, state, region or country) affecting a distinct population (e.g. women, animals, children, etc.). Write a problem/solution paper that describes and critiques three current solutions to the problem offered by the organization and recommends how to improve them or critiques two current solutions and suggests one or two new solutions with justifications.

    Unit 2
    Outcomes: By the end of this unit, students will be able to...
    • Identify what constitutes plagiarism
    • Describe at least three consequences of plagiarism (e.g. failing grade for the assignment or the course, losing a degree)
    • List three ways to avoid plagiarism (e.g. quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing)
    • Paraphrase the information from outside sources to put in their pre-research portfolio
    • Conduct and document an effective pre-research, which includes choosing a researchable topic, adjusting the scope of the topic, forming a tentative thesis statement, and rough-outlining.
    By the end of this unit, students will put together a portfolio that documents all of the pre-research (or planning) work that contributes to their Individual Research Paper. This should include the following:
    • A definitive choice of topic and a justification of its compatibility for this research paper assignment
    • A brief description of the problem or issue that is being investigated (informal website sources are admissible as links)
    • A choice of organization or government website, along with a justification of its compatibility for this research paper assignment
    • A brief description of the causes of the issue or problem that is being investigated (informal website sources are admissible as links, particularly the organization’s website)
    • A choice of 3 actions that the organization is taking to solve the problem, along with the website links to the description of each action on the organization’s website
    • A brief analysis of each of the above-mentioned actions, identifying potential weaknesses and “researchability” of each
    • A thesis statement that provides the purpose of the paper and the three actions of the organization that will be addressed in the paper
    • A rough outline of how the paper will be structured/organized
    • A brief statement of future plans and thoughts in terms of finding sources


    Friday, February 21, 2014

    Day 14 (Friday, 21 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Describe the necessary parts of an appropriate in-text citation.  (5 minutes)
    2. APA Citation Review  (10-15 minutes) 
    3. Drafting Discussion (20-25 minutes)


    • Work on the final draft of your argumentative essay.  

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Day 13 (Wednesday, 19 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. QPS [30 minutes]
      • Directions: 
        • In your groups, have one person
        • Open Microsoft Word or a Google Doc
        • As a group, answer these questions: 
          1. How are quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing different?  
            • Resource: PPT
          2. When writing for an assignment in 111 or even in your Unit 1 Argumentative Essay in 112, how much quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing did you do?  How did you decide to do each one?  
          3. When you paraphrased describe what strategies you used to avoid using the author's own words.  
    2. Draft Revision [10 minutes]
    3. Peer Revision [10 minutes]
      • Checklist for paraphrasing and summarizing: 
        • Did the paper's writer keep the original source's intended meaning? 
        • Did the paper's writer use different words? 
        • Did the paper's writer use different sentence structure?  




    • Friday (21 February): First Draft Returned with Feedback / APA Citation Day 3
    • Monday (24 February): Beginning Unit 2
    • Wednesday (26 February): Final Draft Due.


    Sunday, February 16, 2014

    Thursday, February 13, 2014

    Day 11 (Friday, 14 February 2014)

    Happy Valentine's Day! 

    Schedule of Events:

    1. Peer Perception (up to you)
      • Optional: If you did not have your paper peer edited for cohesion, you can ask your partner to do so now
    2. Workshop (up to you)
    Today is a workshop day.  I believe that writing is adding your voice to a large conversation.  If you are joining a conversation, you can't do that in isolation.  We will write together, help one another out, and use each other to help make our writing as good as it possibly can be.  


    • First Draft due Monday


    • Today (Friday, 14 February): Assign First Draft
    • Monday(17 February): First Draft Due / APA Citation Day 1
    • Wednesday (19 February): APA Citation Day 2
    • Friday (21 February): First Draft Returned with Feedback / APA Citation Day 3
    • Monday (24 February): Beginning Unit 2
    • Wednesday (26 February): Final Draft Due. 

    Monday, February 10, 2014

    Day 10 (Wednesday, 12 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. Fill out this poll (10 minutes)
      • Compare with a partner
        • What did you agree on? 
        • What did you disagree on? 
        • Why do you think you agreed/disagreed? 
    2. Tell me, "Who Wrote It Better?"
      • Read both of the paragraphs
      • Decide which is better 
        • If you think the first is better, go to the right side of the room
        • If you think the second is better, go to the left side of the room
    3. Introductions
      • Let's look at them here
    4. Conclusions 
      • Let's look at them here


    • Add an introduction and a conclusion to your body paragraphs rough draft. 
      • If you were not one of the minority who peer-reviewed for cohesion between Monday and today, don't worry.  Your body paragraphs will be peer-reviewed. :) 

    Day 9 (Monday, 10 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. Warm-up Challenge (5-10 minutes)
      1. What "procedure" is being described here? 
      2. What is wrong with this paragraph? 
        1. Grammar?
        2. Spelling?
        3. Mechanics?
        4. Something else? 
    2. Coherence Discussion (10-15 minutes) 
    3. Coherence Practice  (15 minutes)
    4. Coherence Grammar (5-10 minutes)
      1. What is the difference between a coordinating conjunction and a subordinating conjunction?  
      2. Writer's Help Answer


    Please follow the track that you selected on Friday:
    • Track 1: Write a rough draft of your three body paragraphs using a block or point-by-point organization if you think you have it down, paying attention to your use of cohesive devises and KNO. 
    • Track 2: Find someone else in the class who also chose this track, email or share on Google Drive your rough draft of the body paragraphs with your partner, and follow these directions to peer review their paragraphs cohesion.  

    Friday, February 7, 2014

    Day 8 (Friday, 7 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Open up your homework and trade seats with your partner (2 minutes)
    2. Open up this questionnaire for peer review (15 minutes)
    3. PowerPoint on refuting arguments
      1. You will need to use this for practice
      2. You can use this to help you with number 1


    • Fill in this final outline the combines all of the argumentative structures that we have practiced for either block or point-by-point organization.  
    • Write a rough draft of your three body paragraphs using a block or point-by-point organization if you think you have it down. 

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Day 7 (Wednesday, 5 February 2013)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What was an argument against your side of the soda tax debate that was especially strong?  (3 minutes)
    2. Watch this commercial and think about these discussion questions: (10 minutes)
      1. Why did the producer of this commercial mention the rival product? Do you think it was a good idea? Why or why not?
      2. What else would you do to make this strategy work more effectively?
      3. Would you use a similar persuasive strategy (anticipating and countering opposing arguments) in your essay? Why or why not? How can you do this most effectively?
      4. Which of the rhetorical strategies do you think would integrating opposing arguments would fit in? (ethos, pathos, or logos?)
    3. How would you integrate opposing arguments? (Partner activity) (15 minutes)
      1. Click here
      2. How did these authors integrate the opposing arguments? 
    4. Outlining these strategies (if time permits)
      1. Use this outline


    Try to figure out which strategy will work best for your argument and the opposing views you think your argument might encounter and jot down some notes here.  

    Monday, February 3, 2014

    Day 6 (Monday, 3 February 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. Open this Prezi (15 minutes) 
      1. Take notes on Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
    2. The pleasure of books discernment activity (10-15 minutes)
    3. Planning a trip to France--practice activity for our argumentative essay (10-15 minutes) 


    • Fill in this outline with your arguments and turn in to your Google Drive folder by class on Wednesday
      • Remember that each point should support your thesis statement.  If they do not, you should change your thesis statement or the points.  Every illustration should support the paragraph's point.  
      • Check your thesis statement using these Writer's Help resources: 

    Friday, January 31, 2014

    Day 5 (Friday, 31 January 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. What are some important things you know about thesis statements? (5 minutes)
    2. Thesis Statement Review (40 minutes) 
    3. Writer's Help Talk (5 minutes)


    • Do 1 of the Writer's Help Diagnostics

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014

    Day 4 (Wednesday, 29 January 2013)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Attendance (5 minutes)
      • Alliterative Attendance Name Game
        • Not naming yourself, try to name one person in the class with their adjective
    2. Soda Tax Debate 
      • Powerpoint Set Up (10-15 minutes)
      • Split into two sides
      • Group brainstorming (10-15 minutes)
        • What are some points or arguments you could use? 
        • What is a good, working thesis statement you could draft? 
      • Pair compare (5-10 minutes) 


    Sunday, January 26, 2014

    Day 3 (Monday, 27 January 2014)

    Schedule of Events:

    1. Icebreaker: What is your favorite season? 
    2. Attendance (5 minutes) 
      • Alliterative Adjective Name Game
    3. Writer's Help instructor change (5 minutes)
    4. Intro to how we will use Writer's Help this semester (20 minutes)
    5. Review of Rhetorical Situations: Audience and Tone (20 minutes)
      1. Review of the triangle
      2. In this class, who is normally your audience? 
      3. Tone activity
    6. Assignment Prompt (remainder of time)


    • (Optional-Not for a grade) Review the Assignment Prompt
    • (Optional-Not for a grade) Review the suggestions on Writer's Help that I made to your diagnostic essay.  If you would like, you can email me an explanation of how the blue highlighted portion(s) could have been improved and how you would improve them.  

    Friday, January 24, 2014

    Day 2 (Friday, 24 January 2014)

    Schedule of Events: 

    1. Attendance (<5 minutes)
    2. Explanation of class and homework for new students (<5 minutes)
    3. Explanation of diagnostic (remainder of class time)


    Monday, January 20, 2014

    Welcome to ESL 112

    Hello, class! 

    Welcome Message: 

    I'm so glad that you're in my section of ESL 112!  We're going to have a great semester!  This course will stretch you, challenge you, be difficult, but it will be worth it.  If you work hard in this course, commit to our team of writers, I am confident that you will improve even more in your English writing.  You will show your academic writing skills by completing a final academic research paper for this course.  Above all, I am confident that if we meet the expectations, the paper will be a remarkable success.  


    For the class and instructor: 

    • You can expect me to give you the best instruction I can. 
    • You can expect me to try to challenge each student in unique ways to help each student improve.  
    • You can expect the class to be engaging.  
    • You can expect the class to be hard.
    • You can expect a lot of group work.
    • You can expect useful feedback on your writing.  
    • You can expect me to be committed to each one of my students.    
    • You can expect the class to be fun.  

    What is expected of you

    • I expect you to give me the best work you can.  
    • I expect you to challenge yourself to become the best writer you can be.  
    • I expect you to choose to be engaged and attentive.  
    • I expect you to work hard.  
    • I expect you to stretch yourself in working in groups.  
    • I expect you to give each other useful feedback on your peers' writing.  
    • I expect you to be committed to the class--your classmates, me, and our writing.  
    • I expect you to have fun and relax sometimes. 
    I fully believe that together we can make this the most successful class you have ever taken and I have ever taught.  Are you with me?